Spark A Love For Your Planet

Dispensary & pharmacy packaging can’t be recycled in normal systems.


Resinate & Hana Dispensaries wants to help.


Cannabis packaging is recyclable but is so small that it literally falls through the cracks in mainstream recycling facilities. Here is everything you need to know about why you recycle at Hana.


See below to learn more about the Resinate x Hana Recycling Program and what you can do to contribute!

What Can Be Recycled?

Our Resinate pod can accept empty and dry plastics such as pop-tops, mylar bags, and any other plastic cannabis or pharmaceutical packaging.

You don’t need to remove any labels from your packaging, but please make sure they are empty and dry!

What Do I Get For Recycling?

Well other than feeling great about saving the earth one pop-top at a time, Hana Dispensaries will enter you in a raffle to win $25 in store credit when you recycle with us!


Before depositing your recyclables, make sure you scan the QR code on the pod and snap a photo of what you’re submitting!


Rewards start January 1st, 2022 and one winner per location will be called the first week following each month.

Fuel The Mission See Your Impact

See what Resinate Tech does with your submissions and learn more about the economic and environmental impact your contribution has on Planet Earth by visiting their Instagram!